JuJu hats are a handmade African tribal dress. Originating from the Bambilèkè tribe in Cameroon. The head pieces were often worn at ceremonial burying and passed to next in-line. JuJu hats are seen as a spiritual symbol of wealth, posterity and social status. They were originally hand crafted by weaving bamboo and using natural materials such as raffia and feathers. They are still used by the Bambilèkè tribe today for ceremonial dances and special occasions.
In recent years, JuJu hats have become a fashionable interior design trend. With their bright colours, their exotic-nature means they are a great conversational piece and attractive to look at.
Obviously, these JuJu's are not the real ones (I'm not that talented) nor are they actual hats (although you could wear it?!) However, having been inspired by their beauty and their important spiritual representations. I have created my version, using raffia, bamboo, an abundance of feathers and decorative shells.